Best Literary Reference During Euro 2012

Best paragraph written by a journalist covering the Euro 2012 this year:

Mario Gomez is a baffling footballer. There is a short story co-written by Jorge Luís Borges and Adolfo Bioy Casares called “Esse est percipi”, in which the authors imagine that the Argentinian football that supposedly drew huge crowds in the 1930s didn’t really happen. Instead, it was cleverly scripted and performed by a radio commentator. The matches were simply fabrications. Likewise, there are some players who — upon viewing them — perform so radically different than their reputations that it makes fans wonder whether their careers were made up. And Mario Gomez was always one of them.

The four-page story is one of the sly and ironic essays in the Chronicles of Bustos Domecq and among the most esoteric literary references I have ever seen in an article on el jogo bonito. And, to boot, apt in this case.

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