SF Trip Gallery

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Applehead at Starbucks?

Below are photos of a Starbucks store in downtown San Francisco near Market Street and New Montgomery St. I was there recently, taking a break from walking around and browsing through a bagful of books I had gotten at the Alexander Book Co. around the corner.

At some point I looked up and glanced straight at the big Starbucks logo hanging in the window. Something right away struck me as odd. It was one of those subliminal occult symbolism “I see Jesus in my burnt toast” moments. The  twin-tailed mermaid in the logo here looks remarkably like a stylized portrait of Michael Jackson. The comparison with the official Starbucks logo below clearly shows the differences (i.e. eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth) that create this strange likeness.

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Public Transportation Story #69

Public Transportation Story #69:

Sitting at the bus stop. Chilly morning, half awake. Burly Black dude in his 30s saunters up to the stop. He wears a black hoodie and leans stiffly against the shelter. About to light up a smoke. He puts a white plastic bag next to his feet. I stop paying attention.

A few minutes of day-dreaming later I see him changing position and I notice he dropped his Marlboro Reds. I make eye contact with him and point at the pack on the ground. Immediately, I get the death stare.

I look at him and the pack, just meaning to be helpful. Sneering stare now. Perhaps he thinks I’m somehow calling him out for littering. He keeps staring a hole through me. I’m too tired to explain. Finally, he looks straight in my eyes and grunts: “It’s empty.”

A minute later he picks up his plastic bag and walks off. Which is a bit odd. People don’t usually wait at a bus stop and leave before a bus arrives. The only other people at the bus stop are a mother with her young daughter, whom I know by sight, and someone who looks like the mother’s sister travelling with an enormous suitcase. Next to me sits a Hispanic kid duded up to the nines in hip-hop clothing. Sharp, replete with woollen condom hat and custom kicks.

All of us stare after the Black dude who is now randomly crossing and re-crossing the nearby intersection. The kid next to me takes his right earphone out of his bling-studded ear and says to me, very slowly: “Looks – like – this – gangsta – has – no – respect!” He goes on: “Must be an Eastsider!” And then: “I’m a Southsider, man, and I got respect!” He gets up from the bench, picks the pack off the ground, and carries it to a trash can. He sits back down and turns to me: “I’m only 15, but I bet I have more respect than this gangsta.” And he double-fists himself on the heart.

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